Act I. Jesus! Who are you?

Act I. Jesus! Who are you?

최고관리자 0 82

Act I. Jesus! Who are you?


1. Overture - 60

2. Dance in the wilderness - 67

3. For leper - 80

4. Peter's question - 86

5. Who will stay in your tent? - 90

6. Ruler's guidelines - 95

7. Pronounces misfortune on the scribes and Pharisees - 100

8. Poor, hungry and weep people - 103

9. The Centurion's Slave Story - 106

10. A woman whose daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit- 117

11. Intermezzo - 120

12. Prayer of a Pharisee and a tax collector - 125

13. Parable of the Prophet Jeremiah - 132

14. Moses and the bronze serpent - 134

15. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets -142

16. Pilate's atrocities - 148

17. Jesus is the light of salvation - 150

18. Patient at Betzata Pond - 152

19. Jesus is a “miracle” who came as the “Word.” - 161


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