Opera Jesus Christ, Act 2, The Passion of Jesus

Opera Jesus Christ, Act 2, The Passion of Jesus

Opera Jesus Christ

Act II.The Passion of Jesus

 1. Prelude - 194

 2. A story about a blind and speechless man – 197 

 3. God gives to nations that produce crops - 207

 4. If anyone wants to come after me - 213

 5. Anecdotes with temple merchants - 232

 6. Fig Tree Parable - 239

 7. Pharisee's frame - 248

 8. Paschal festival - 263

 9. The woman who broke the alabaster box - 285

10. Judas looks for an opportunity to betray Jesus - 296

11. You will all fall away - 302

12. Jesus is captured - 323

13. Jesus is tortured - 326

14. Crucifixion - 335

15. Tetelestai(τετέλεσται) - 373

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  • 전체 게시물 776 개
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  • 전체 회원수 72 명
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