2022년 10월 싱글 앨범 판타가 발매되었습니다.

2022년 10월 싱글 앨범 판타가 <FANTAGA> 발매되었습니다.

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 Digital single album was released on <Digital Record> in October 2022.
This song is dedicated to the respected Remy franck.
amazon music (https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0BGPXQP8Z)

Title:Fantaga on the theme of Jeongseon Arirang
Composer: Dae-Ho Eom
Performance: Baritone (Gi-hong Jeon), Piano (Ji-hye Yoo)
Performed by Mozart Hall, Seoul, Korea on August 27, 2022

Song commentary:

The sad lyrics of Jeongseon Arirang (Korean folk song) are a universal story of human beings.
The composer suggests the direction of the solution with a new philosophy, music form, and vocabulary.
The fugue part is borrowed from Jeongseon Arirang's material, and in the last CODA part,
the wailing sublimates into Christ.

*Fantaga is a form of music. It was created by Dae-Ho Eom, a compound word of Fuga (Italian: Fuga) and Fantasy (English: Fantasy).
On August 15, 2008, <12 Violin Fantaga> was released for the first time.
-Source: 『Korean Music Composers Composition Techniques (Asian Culture)』, 『Monthly RIVIEW (June 2022 issue)』

Composer  Dae-Ho Eom Profile
President of the Dae-Ho Eom Foundation, Director of the Korea Music Critics Association, Vice President of the Korean National Music Association, Lifetime member of the Changak Association
Selected as "Korea's Classical Music Pioneer" by Westminster College of Music (USA)
Collections of works are in the collections of more than 10 countries, including the Royal Palace of Sweden, the Palace of Chigi in Italy, the US Congress, Berlin, Oxford, and Stanford University.
Changak Club Lifetime Member
Member of the National Association of Composers/USA
Founded the music format ‘FANTAGA’

"정선아리랑의 주제를 바탕으로 만든 이 곡은, 잘 대비된 전조 기술과 푸가의 가능성을 체계화한 '판타가(fantaga)'이다.
바리톤의 스타일 있는 해석은 피아노와 잘 맞물려 작품 속의 응축된 메시지가 농후했고 견고하게 정련된 앙상블이다." - 정순영(음악평론가)

"작품의 묘미가 대단합니다. 연습 녹음을 들어 보니 반주는 동일한데 선율은 미묘하게 변화를 시켰네요.
엄대호 작곡가의 작품은 후일 많은 사람들의 연구 대상이 될 것으로 확신합니다." - 전인평(중앙대 명예교수)

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